par CNT | Oct 2, 2011 | AIT
Heiner M. Becker, historian and private scholar, living in Nordwalde, has actually initiated a preliminary investigation by the public prosecution against the internet publishing of at least one work of the famous anarchosyndicalist, Rudolf Rocker (1873 – 1958)....
par CNT | Oct 2, 2011 | AIT
Red and black flags draped from the balconies and 500 people filled the Verdi Theater in the heart of La Boca. The image called to mind another time when workers' congresses were frequent in this Buenos Aires neighborhood. The Argentinian Regional Workers'...
par CNT | Oct 2, 2011 | AIT
A successful international campaign took place on August 19th, in solidarity with the workers at the Ford Visteon plant in Cadiz (Spain). The workers are facing the threat of imminent closure of the factory, thus leaving more than 450 people unemployed. Meanwhile,...
par CNT | Oct 2, 2011 | AIT
As you will have seen from the media coverage there has been riots across Britain. That riots have taken place is not surprising as large sections of the British working class live in poverty and social deprivation. Many working class communities in Britain have never...
par CNT | Oct 2, 2011 | AIT
With references to initiatives taken by the CNT union section at Cadiz Electrónica S.A. Ford-Visteon and the CNT of Jerez, there will be an International Day of Struggle against Ford-Visteon on August 19th. read more